Updated Benchmarks July 2013
Stacks Finance is pleased to announce that it has updated its ASIC Benchmark Report for The Mortgage Fund ARSN 088 928 081 (the Fund) as at 23 July 2013.
This report provides updated information relating to:
- Benchmark and Disclosure Principal 3: Loan Portfolio and Diversification on pages 6-9;
- Additional Information on page 28; and
- Some minor typographical errors.
Please note as this Benchmark Report is incorporated into our Product Disclosure Statement please ensure that you obtain a copy of the current Benchmark Report before making an investment in the Fund.
A copy of the current Benchmark Report can be downloaded here.
The information provided in this website should be regarded as general information only, rather than as advice. It has been prepared without taking account of any person's objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of that each person should, before acting on any such information, consider its appropriateness, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs. The Mortgage Fund is NOT a bank deposit. Investment in The Mortgage Fund is subject to INVESTMENT RISK, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income or principal invested. The income paid by The Mortgage Fund varies from quarter to quarter and The Mortgage Fund may achieve lower than expected returns in future quarters. No guarantee can be given that future performance will be reflected by data of past performance. Investment in The Mortgage Fund can only be made under the current relevant product disclosure statement (PDS) issued by Stacks Managed Investments Limited ACN 085 843 125 | AFSL 227673 which is available from this website or our office.